It is often said that it’s Impossible until it is done. Prominent amongst what the legalideasforum is known for is its motto:KNOWLEDGE AND JUSTICE, A driving force which directs its activities and charts the course of its operation. The idea of an Academic summit which will help promote the knowledge bank of its members was a necessary program envisioned by its executive members after its General Council meeting. And from the day it was announced, a sporadic campaign was set off by all members who advertised in everyday they can, information about the summit.
Tagged:THE DECLINING PURSUIT TOWARDS ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE :The challenges and the way forward, the summit was billed to present
1 Keynote speaker
4 panelists
1 moderator
and several presenters of both poems and talkshows.
And on the 11th day of Dec 2017, the summit took off in Ernest having in attendance, the LIFIN staff adviser, Dr. J. A Eze(Associate Dean, faculty of law COOU) , the LIFIN patroness. Lady Mrs odife Grace. The Lawsa president, Fidelis Anyanegbu, the Lawsa vice president, Ezekwe Olivia. The president, Rotary Club International igbariam chapter, Rotr. Onwusobalu Phillips, the NITIMUN National Vice president Ambassador. Stanley Peter and the COOU NITIMUN president Ambassador. Maduakolam Justin, Dennis Chukwuekezieb(serg) Chief editor PUNDITS NEWS. and a host of other dignitaries that graced the occasion. Members from all levels in the Faculty and the newly admitted year one students. All the participants were required to carry out registeration at the entrance where they were also given the conference material.
The activities for the day commenced with The Anthem and The opening prayers. After which The Welcome address and opening remarks was made By Emelie Ezeaku VP LIFIN. Where she admonished the participants to expect themselves to be challenged, educated, impacted and inspired.
The reading of aims and objectives of LIFIN was performed by CHIDINMA NWAKOBY . The Sec. Gen LIFIN. Where she read out to the audience, guest and invitees, what the forum was all about.
The administering of LIFIN oath was done by valentine Ezeuchu. The Chairman BOD LIFIN. As members solemnly took the oath as a mark of dedicated to the forum.
The summit took off proper with the TALK show by ADINNU DAL-ELTON. Dir, visitations LIFIN
Tagged:THE TRUE DEFINITION OF A LIFINITE. Where he took his time to expound who a true Lifinite was and what is expected of a true Lifinite. He pointed out That a true Lifinite is accessed by his versatility, and clear reflection of good academic skill, good character, strong dedication to the aims and objectives of the forum, diligence to duties, staunch application of knowledge in a creative way, Enthusiasm, pioneering of justice and unwavering voice preaching the importance of untampered justice in the legal world and society at large.
Another Talk show was presented by AMARA OFODILE Titled:YOUR WORLD NEEDS YOU:AN INSPIRATIONAL. She pointed out how populated the world was but that each and every one of us is specially unique and designed for a particular purpose that only us can fulfill. Her eloquence and style was remarkably greeted with loud cheers and ovation. As participants were truly inspired with her candid words which were straight to point and pungent.
poem presentation was made by CHUKWUEMEKA EBUBE SAMUEL. Which he Titled:LEARN NOT EARN:A POEM and dedicated it to millions of children loitering the streets without being able to afford education which he identified as an epidemic that must be stamped out of our society.
The Keynote speaker. Dr. J. A EZE. The LIFIN staff adviser and Associate Dean faculty of law took to the podium. Delivering his Keynote speech, he stated that it is only the wise that seeks after knowledge and that knowledge shapes the world. He decried the unfortunate decline in the pursuit towards knowledge and the unusual drive for frivolities which has taken the Centre stage amongst students. He was of the view that the legal profession is a pyramid and what distinguishes one lawyer from another is knowledge and that those who work hard has an edge over the rest. He admonished Lifinites to pursue knowledge in order to fight the growing injustice in the society. He spoke generally on how to approach academic issues and gave tips to overcome the challenges which students face in their pursuit for academic excellence. Some of his notable statements includes:
“Start early.”
“Do everything within the law to avoid carryover”
“faith without work is dead” “success is not by chance but by determination”
“social life is important but know where to draw the line”
“how you make your bed, is how you will lie on it”.
He concluded by appreciating the executives of LIFIN by saying “the best brains are here, the best hands are on the job” he urged us on to continue the good work as he look forward to the time when the forum will be truly international.
The participants could not hide their satisfaction with the well delivered Keynote speech by the LIFIN staff adviser who also recounted how successful his academic career was, both in and outside Nigeria and how he graduated with a first class in his masters degree program in London.
Another Talk show was presented by JAMES CHUKWUMA. Which was Titled: KNOWLEDGE AND JUSTICE THE PILLARS OF AN IDEAL SOCEITY. This was another highlight of the summit as he streamlined his thought into 6 basic sectors of national life which includes:
Economic dimension
Religious dimension
Political dimension
Social dimension
Educational dimension
Legal dimension
He was of the view that if knowledge and Justice were to be applied in every of this sector, that we shall attain an ideal society. He explained The issue of ideal society is so diversified as can be seen in the various positions of great writers or men who has influenced the course of history. A clear example can be seen in Plato’s belief of an ideal society from that of Mohammed the great prophet of the Islamic religion. Although the both has different views of what an ideal society should be, the both posited that knowledge and justice were very much salient, in establishing an ideal society.
The main section of the summit which was the DISCUSSIONS ON THE THEME BY THE PANELISTS commenced immediately and was anchored by Njokudavidchibueze the LIFIN president.
The panelists includes:
Valentine Ezeuchu
Emelie Ezeaku
Ukomadu Lawrence
Atusiuba chukwuebuka
All 400level law students who has distinguished themselves in the field of learning and in character.
They proceeded to the round table where they were to tackle issues raised by means of question by the anchor of the talk show.
From a general discussions on the issue, LAWRENCE UKOMADU was of the view that our elite class has failed us in that they show less interest to inculcating what they have to to a younger generation which is expected to take over from them and that it is distressing to find out that our elites has abandoned legitimate principles of approaching issues but rather apply the Same measures and techniques used by barrow pushers and illiterates. He was of the view that our academic system needs an overhaul to be more student oriented and policies aimed at redirecting the interst of our students back to their books should be applied.
VALENTINE EZEUCHU placed the bulk of decline in academic pursuit on misguided societal values. He blamed both the religious, social and political leaders for the glorification of wealth over knowledge irrespective of how those wealth came about. That such conduct instill contempt for education by our young people who no longer think education is worth the stress. As the streets is filled with unemployed graduates who loiter without jobs and perform demeaning jobs just to make ends meet. He went further to blame government for the nepotism and favoritism on issue of employment and then corruption which he said has eaten deep into the fabric of our society and within the University arena too where supposed academias and students now buy and sell grades.
He concluded by stating that he sees no problem with the Nigerian syllabus or educational system but there is rather a decline in the quality of what the teachers offer and what the students are willing to acquire for themselves.
ATUSIUBA CHUKWUEBUKA argued that the educational system of Nigeria needs an automatic format to start afresh as it has broken down irretrievably and presently cannot be remedied. He pointed out that the Nigerian syllabus needs to be changed completely to reflect reality. Moreso, he decried the fact that there Is now an inordinate pursuit for grades rather than knowledge. He said “good grades are wonderful but without knowledge of what a topic is all about, it is useless” he cited the story of Albert Einstein the renowned physicist who developed the concept of relativity and how to split atoms. That while his class mates were busy pursuing paper qualification, he went after education. And while they went after good grades, he was busy acquiring knowledge. He pointed out that what Nigerian students need is a change of priority and that the wave of social media should not take the place of our pursuit towards academic excellence.
EMELIE EZEAKU stated that alot of students have relented in their pursuit towards academic excellence and that very many of them has given up entirely and are now seeking short cuts. But she has this to say to them “there is no short cut to success and people who try to find easy way out are just kidding if they think they can achieve excellence without putting in hardwork“. She maintained that hardwork is the universal quality that pays. She identified the decline in academic pursuit as being internal and from the students. Slothfulness and laziness amongst students attribute to the general decline in academic excellence.
She summarized with a quote by Henry Wadsworth long fellow, where he said. ‘the heights that great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept were toiling upward in the night’ she ended by saying ‘if there is any shortcut to success, I’ve not found one yet but if you have, don’t hesitate to tell me’.
After fielding series of questions, the discussions were summarized by the LIFIN patroness. MRS GRACE ODIFE who gave a brief instance of how the knowledge she has acquired has helped her excel both in her professional career and academically. She was of the view that good grades are wonderful but that she wants to have an in-depth quality knowledge which can afford her the opportunity to discuss issues on such topic with people that matter in the society with being scared of error. She advised students to desist from engagements which deprive them the time they should invest in their academics and that with gatherings and meetings as this, she is hopeful that a reawakening will be instilled in students. She appreciated everyone who made out time to attend the summit and urged members to work harmoniously to move the forum forward.
Another Talk show was presented by ODINAKA ZION which was Titled: BEYOND THE GOOD GRADES: HARDWORK BEHIND THE SCENES. He started by recounting the stories of world great achievers. Ophra Winfrey, Usain bolt, C. Ronaldo, Barrack Obama, jack Ma, and a host of them who has stepped into the world stage not because they were supposed to be there but because they paid the price to be there. A price which is usually rigorous and taskful. He stated that there is no known success which was not accompanied by hardwork especially behind the scene. He opined ‘work hard silently behind the scene and let your success make the noise’ he stated that to have good grades, one must be willing to stay up late in the night, he must be willing to read all that should be read and most importantly he must start on time. He advised students not to make the mistake of having carryovers as they become extra baggage which will affect ones academic profile in the long run.
Of a truth, we had a rich and resourceful time at the LIFIN summit 2017. Participants were truly impacted and educated on how to overcome the challenges of academics.
A Full transcript of all the talk shows and presentations can be found at the website of the forum. Visit to read.
The forum gave AWARD OF CECERTIFICATES members who had actively participated in the moot sessions and court trials conducted by the forum. As the staff adviser and patroness were on feet to award them duly. And we say a very big congratulations to them and urge them to keep up the good work.
Finally, it was time for REREFRESHMENT. And then the Closing remarks and vote of thanks By the LIFIN president Njokudavidchibueze. And the Closing prayers and Anthem. This marked the end of the LIFIN Academic summit 2017. As we look forward to yet another program from the legalideasforum. If you missed out on this one, don’t fail to attend subsequent ones. We promise to make it worth your time.
The summit was capped with several photo shoots and members took to the dance floor in jubilation for a program finally signed, sealed and delivered..
Thanks for your time.
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