Analysing the Provision of S. 15(5) CFRN and Other Legal Frameworks Set In in Place to Curb Corrupt Practices in Nigeria
Toheeb Abdulsamod Obasanjo
Corruption is a canker worm, which has not only eaten deep into the fabrics of the Nigeria polity, but also soiled the image and personality of each and every Nigerian. The central aim of this article is not just to demonstrate that there is corruption in Nigeria, but also to uncover its causes, forms, and discuss the various agencies established by the government in controlling and tackling corruption corrupt practices. This article analyzes the provision of s 15(5) Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999) as altered and its effect with regards the fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy. It is hoped that this article would help in readdressing and re-orientating the mindset of both the leaders and followers towards becoming better Nigerians for the benefit of future generations The doctrinal methodology will be used.
Keywords: Anti-Corruption, Agencies, Challenges, Corruption, EFCC, ICPC.
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