The Definition of a Lifinite is not far from defining an academically vibrant and excellent student. Regarding this, it can be imputed from a distant stance that a Lifinite denotes a student with strong and dogged desire for legal studies and acquisition of good grades.
However, I believe defining a true Lifinite requires an extensive and elaborate look at the Aims, objectives and foundation of the forum in order to grasp the full qualities that defines a true Lifinite. A true Lifinite is not just defined by his/her staunch desire to excel academically and acquire good grades, but also defined by some distinctive qualities spearheaded by persistent zeal to acquire sufficient legal knowledge to propel the prevalence of unadulterated justice. Having noted this, it is imperative to detail the qualities that sufficiently communicates the true definition of a LIFINITE .
i. Academic skills
Academic skill is one of the paramount qualities expected of a true Lifinite. This quality is a controlling force of the aim of the forum and the essentiality of a lifinite possessing this skill is highly expected. Academic skills covers the ability to read comprehensively write effectively, speak fluently. This is prioritized because without sufficient academic skills from a Lifinite, the acquisition of legal knowledge to launch and promote untampered justice which is the sole aim of the forum will be defeated. Thus, it can be correctly said that academic skills is essential in defining a true Lifinite.
ii. Ability
This Academic forum is built on the solid foundation of knowledge and justice. Therefore, the ability to apply acquired knowledge is vital to building on this solid foundation. Thus, a true Lifinite is required to sufficiently apply legal knowledge acquired to attain justice in the present and near future when the need arises. The ability to apply the results of his or her legal knowledge in a creative way defines a time Lifinite.
iii. Communicator
A true lifinite is regarded as a good communicator. The communication quality of a Lifinite is essential to the entire aim and goals of the Legal Ideas Forum. Knowledge will effectively influence the outcome of good justice only when it is absorbed in communication. The legal profession is not a silent profession. Therefore, incessant and effective communication is a vital weapon to tackle injustice with acquired legal knowledge . The quality and ability to communicate effectively the pros of justice and cons of injustice with legal knowledge defines a true Lifinite.
iv. Attitude
Basically, it is a vital attribute for every Lifinite to posses the right attitude towards the objectives and aims of the forum. The legal profession is dynamic and not static, therefore, the willingness to change and adapt to its dynamism in character and academics is pivotal to the advancement of the goals, aims and objectives of the Legal Ideas Forum. Thus, the ability and desire to delve deeper into the changing activities of the legal world, and to learn new trends defines a true Lifinite.
v. Discipline
Discipline here implies the putting of dedication and knowledge to efficient use and towards the attainment of purpose. It involves the restraint of the impulses of the moment, the regulation of desire, the immediate comforts and pleasure, the choices of the harder when the easier way is opened. It connotes focus and fervent connection to the aims of the forum and also involves discipline in time management and execution of duties .
Therefore, a true Lifinite is defined by his/her unwavering discipline, dedication and contributions to the attainment of knowledge and justice
Vi Diligence
Every Lifinite possess different strengths and ability, but what we all can do is take measures to improve personal performance of every member of the Legal Ideas Forum.
A Lifinite is expected to carryout his/her activities relating to the Aims of the forum diligently. This paves way for further opportunities and avenue to achieve the core value of this forum.
Thus, a Lifinite is defined by his diligence in executing the responsibilities and duties given to him in relation to the prime goals of the forum.
Having detailed the distinctive qualities that defines a true Lifinite, it is understandable to concur with the initial import that desire for good grades and academic excellence is not what completely defines a true Lifinite.
Thus, it is imperative to conclude that a true Lifinite is accessed by his versatility, and clear reflection of good academic skill, good character, strong dedication to the aims and objectives of the forum, diligence to duties, staunch application of knowledge in a creative way, Enthusiasm, pioneering of justice and unwavering voice preaching the importance of untampered justice in the legal world and society at large.
About the author
DAL-ELTON ADINNU is a law student in Faculty of law COOU.He Had his primary education in Nawoj standard school and obtained his first school Leaving certificate from same primary school. He Received his junior secondary education in Government College Umuahia and futher advanced to Federal government college Okigwe, where he obtained his Wassce and Neco.
He is the Director of Visitation of Legal ideas forum, and also the vice president of putting smiles foundation, which is a philanthropic foundation in the the faculty and campus.
Dal-Elton is an optimistic, enthusiastic, and versatile individual.A fervent believer in justice for all, and a promoter of utmost fairness in the legal and judicial system in order to enhance unadulterated administration of justice.
His simple interest in legal knowledge and knowledge at large is evident in his moderate advancement of academic functions.
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