Today we celebrate the 56th independence anniversary of our beloved country Nigeria but the truth be told we are indeed a great nation but we are lagging behind. Fifty-six years of nothing to boast of when we are immensely blessed and it’s only a fool that will say Nigeria is a poor country because Nigeria is so beautiful but her children are ugly,ugly not the sense of facial appearance but in the sense of characters countries with no natural resources are far ahead of us because we have decided to develop our pockets instead of our country .I have often heard people say that if we can call together all the past leaders of Nigeria and kill them that Nigeria will be better,but I want to that,that particular statement is a fallacy because many youths in Nigeria has been oriented on the wrong conceptions of leadership and even if we kill these leaders, they will continue from where these leaders stopped.The biggest economy in Africa few months ago has gone into recession and on the brink of collapse and the reasons we get on daily basis is that oil price has crashed and that PDP is the cause of what we are suffering today no doubt bad governance and the crash of oil price contributes to what we are suffering today but the major reason why things are getting worse is because the government of the day has not decided to follow things up and rescue the situation of things in Nigeria.if we claim that the crash of oil price is one of our major problem then why is Qatar a country dependent on oil still the world richest country?the answer is obvious because Nigerians haven’t decide to take the bull by the horn.let us take a look at some big economies of the world that are not dependent on natural resources.
1.China:china is the second biggest economy in the world according to nominal GDP and the biggest economy according to the PPP but their major source of income is technology.
2 . Singapore:Singapore is one of the top five richest countries in the world and is often rated as the least corrupt country in the world along side New Zealand and her major source of income is external trade,
3 .France:France is the 9th biggest economy in the world but their major sources of income are banking,tourism and agriculture.
4 .Brazil:Brazil was rated the 7th biggest economy in the world ahead of France and Germany but there major sources of income is agriculture and tourism.
5 .Iceland:in Iceland only 8%of the population makeup the poor, and their per capita GDP is $50,000 yet their major.source of income is fishing.
At this juncture let’s look at the mineral resources in Nigeria:crude oil,gypsum,limestone,gold,coal,marble,clay,dolomite,kaolin,bentonite,tentatile,cassitertile,zinc,magnesite,uranium,lignite,iron-ore,phosphate,glass sand,amethest,salt,sakt,berytes,gem stones, hydro-carbon,bitumen,feldsper,syenite,sapphire,surpentinite,asbestos,mica,aqua marine, ruby, rock crystal, copper,tin,talc,galena,gikol,bauxite,wolfam,columbite,chalcopyrite,molybdenile,laterrite,soda ash.and many other minerals yet to be discovered.
Now it is obvious our that if the government of the day can sincerely diversify the economy making use of other minerals en-coporating tourism,foriegn trade,technology and agriculture I think more job opportunities will be created and more source of income too,i bet you we have what it takes to be the biggest economy in the world,and our population is even more a blessing to us to be able to produce enough work force in the face of a large economy.
In conclusion if China can be the biggest economy with technology, France the 9th biggest with agriculture,banking and tourism and Qatar the richest with oil.what if we combine all our natural resources and add,external trade,technology,tourism and agriculture,i bet you even Qatar the richest country will come to borrow from us.POUDLY A NIGERIAN 

For knowledge and Justice

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