Author: Chidiebere Simeon Mbah.
The Tree of vision matches on,
here he comes with a mission,
A mission snatched by tuition,
A fee to kill the Navel.
The soul possessive it laments,
A death row is marshaled,
The visionary calls,
The Unclean! The untidy!
They cry! They wail!
Their lips dried with tears,
From their missionary trees,
Who wears and tears
Their visionary seeds.
“A tale tamed in the tail will tell itself out sooner or later”
Many a query from views within and abroad; The answer is here. Look within and see if your vision is not only a feeling but a reality of the vision which is all a fairytale. Why? Bribery.
This is the above poem.
On and On, Year to Year (@57 and counting)we commemorate independence day of; a new Nigeria.
But Do we have a new people of Nigeria?
As the clock ticks, resolutions are made, decisions taken, Redirections and rehabilitations penned down, then what kills it BRIBERY and CORRUPTION, from top to bottom.
Thus, the poem is an “ex nunc” to the living that are truly living if only arms can retreat at the foresight of BRIBERY and CORRUPTION.
Knowledge views the aforementioned as having been “ex tunc” but only the few seasoned resilient can take the bull by the horn “ex tempore“.
Conclusively, I leave every Nigerian with one sentence
” Search, find, kill and resurrect a new being, hence the arrival of a new Nigeria“.